Tuesday, December 6, 2011

September 27, 2011 - Installing Archon

I began the Archon installation process by creating all the usernames and passwords RPM indicated I would need.

  • MySQL Archon Username: hoswald Password: *******
  • Archon Username: hoswald Password: *******
  • Archon Super Administrator Password: *******
  • Archon Admin Username: Archonadmin Password: ****** Display name: Admin

To ensure my computer was up-to-date, I ran Update Manager on VM then exported the machine to my external drive using export appliance wizard. I saved it as ARST5100.ova.

After restarting the machine, I opened the Synaptic Package Manager under Administration in the System drop-down menu. After entering my password, I began to search for the five pieces of software I needed to install in order to correctly download and install Archon.

-apache2 //Apache web server (v 2.2.17)

-mysql-server //MySQL database (v 5.1.54)

-php5-mysql (v 5.3.5) /php extensions for MySQL

-php5 PHP 5.0 (5.3.5) //php web scripting language


I typed apache2 into the Quickfilter box, right-clicked on the file, marked it for installation, then clicked the Apply box on the main screen. A Summary dialog box listed all libraries that would be installed along with the desired software. I clicked ok and each of the five pieces of software downloaded in under 5 minutes.

I was prompted for a password for the MySQL server. Password: *******

After all five programs were successfully installed, I opened Terminal under Accessories in the Applications drop-down menu. I typed in the command:

sudo pear install MDB2-2.4.1

I was prompted for my root password and entered it to continue. At this point I received the following warning message:

WARNING: channel “pear.php.net” has updated its protocols, use “pear channel-update pear.php.net” to update

However the download ensued and typed in the next command:

sudo pear install pear/MDB2#mysql

I again received the warning message:

WARNING: channel “pear.php.net” has updated its protocols, use “pear channel-update pear.php.net” to update

But this download was also successfully completed.

In order to give users access to the Archon installation, I opened the Users and Groups function under Administration in the System drop-down menu. I selected Manage Groups, then Add. This prompted me to enter my password. After verifying my privileges, I created an archon group and selected myself (Heather) as a group member. I then re-opened the command line terminal in order to give Archon the rights to appropriate web directories. I typed in the following commands:

cd /var/ww

sudo mkdir archon

sudo chgrp –R archon archon

sudo chmod –R g+rw archon

These commands created the Archon directory, changed ownership of the directory to archon group, and added read and write permissions for the group.

I closed the Terminal window and shut down the virtual machine using the shut down button in the upper right hand corner. After restarting the machine, I tested the Apache server. First, I opened a Firefox browser and typed in the address http://localhost/. This brought up a web page with the message, “It works!” I then opened a Terminal window and typed in the command:


This displayed the information for each of my adapters and my IP address: 1. I switched to my local Windows host and typed in this IP address. The same “It works!” message appeared.

Following the Apache test, I returned to my virtual machine and the Terminal window. In order to create an Archon database in MySQL, I typed in the following commands:

mysql –u root –p

mysql> ******

mysql> create user hoswald

mysql > GRANT ALL ON *.*

TO ‘hoswald‘@’localhost’



mysql> create database archon;

mysql> quit ;

I opened the Firefox browser and went to the URL:


I went to the File drop down menu and clicked on Save Page As. I changed the name of the file to text_conn.php. I chose File System from the Places list on the left-hand side of the screen, var, www, archon, then clicked Save. I returned to my Firefox browser and typed in: http://localhost/archon/test_conn.php. A screen came up named MySQL connection test. I entered:

Hostname: localhost

Username: hoswald

Password: ******

I clicked the Test Connection button and received a message that I had, “Successfully connected to the server ‘localhost’

While still in the Firefox browser, I typed in the address: http://www.archon.org/download.php and clicked on Download Archon 3.21 which directed me to sourceforge.net. A dialog box opened, asking if I wanted to Save or Open the Archon 3.21.zip. I chose the Save File option.

I opened the Home folder under the places drop down menu and clicked on Downloads. I double-clicked on Archon 3.21.zip which opened a new window containing the 3.21 folder. I returned to the Downloads box and navigated to File System, var, www, archon. I then opened the 3.21 folder and dragged the contents into the archon folder, transferring the data.

Within the folder, I found and right-clicked the config.inc.php file and selected Open. A dialog box gave me the option to either run the file or display its content. I clicked Display and the file opened in gedit. I scrolled through the document until I reached

$_ARCHON->db->Login =

where I entered hoswald.

I then went to

$_ARCHON->db->Password =

where I entered ******

finally I scrolled to

$_ARCHON->db->DatabaseName =

and put in ‘archon’

I clicked Save and closed the file.

I returned to the Firefox browser and entered


and clicked Next to each of the prompts.

When I reached the page which prompted me to create a super administrator I maintained the


and entered

Password: ******

When prompted to enter the administrator account, I used:

userid: archonadmin

password: ******

I entered the repository name: VMTest

Name of Administrator: Heather

Country: United States

Email: hoswald@student.clayton.edu

While leaving MARC Org Code, Address, Phone Number and Fax Number blank. Then clicked Next.

I clicked on all packages to Install and clicked Next. A screen came up indicating all packages had been successfully installed, I clicked Next. The screen offered me the option of installing both English and Spanish. I unclicked Spanish and clicked Next. Screen 12 of 12 appeared with the message, “ Installation Complete.” Before I clicked the Finish button, I opened up the Terminal window and typed in the following command:

-cd /var/www/archon/packages/core/install

-mv install.php install.php.bak


I returned to the Firefox browser and clicked Finish. This took me to a screen prompting me to enter my login and password. I entered:

Login: archonadmin


I had successfully installed Archon.

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